Payroll Services

Payroll can be difficult for any employer running a business, especially if you are new to Payroll.

Problems can arise such as:

  • Incorrect calculation of taxes and national insurance contributions
  • Incorrect PAYE coding
  • Incorrect wage payments to employees
  • Incorrect pension contributions

This will lead to:

  • Penalties and fees.
  • Unhappy employees with incorrect pay or tax.
  • More admin work and time spent rectifying the errors.

Whether you are a one-person business or have hundreds of employees, you will be required to file Payroll with HMRC on a weekly and monthly basis and have annual filing requirements on top of that.

P. McGirr & Co can take the stress out of Payroll and provide you with expertise in all of the following areas:

  • Monthly/Weekly Payroll
  • Employee Payslips
  • P45’s for leavers
  • HMRC Reporting
  • Compliance with workplace Pension Legislation
  • Benefits in Kind
  • Statutory payments such as maternity, paternity and sick pay
  • P60’s for all employees
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